Oh My Girl

Oh My Girl
Watch Oh My Girl Pinoy Movie Filipino Movies Tagalog Online Film Full Video For Free. You have not seen a love story like this – OMG! OH, MY GIRL! is a heartfelt “laugh out loud” romantic comedy about two childhood best friends who are separated by Fate, only to be reunited years later, worlds apart. Judy Ann Santos plays the role of Darling- a young superstar desperate to find her true self in the dizzying world of showbusiness. Ogie Alcasid plays Biboy- simple cell phone repair man who is desperate to find his greatest love. As Darling and Biboy surprisingly meet, both overcome outrageous odds to find… their hilarious way back to each other. OMG: OH MY GIRL! reminds us about lasting friendship and enduring love…and the crazy things we do in the name of both. OMG also features the wacky reunion of Roderick Paulate and Carmi Martin, plus unforgettable comedic performances by Manilyn Reynes, Nova Villa, John Prats, John Avila and Frenchie Dy.

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