I.T.A.L.Y I Trust and Love You

I.T.A.L.Y I Trust and Love You
Watch I.T.A.L.Y I Trust and Love You Pinoy Movie Filipino Movies Film Online Full Video For Free. Destiny. Is it beyond our control? or do we make our own? These questions and other musings about the past and the future set the tone as we sail into the year’s most anticipated film about love and life. Six people are brought together on a seven-day cruise that will change their lives forever: A hopeless romantic (Jolina) searches for the right man while dreaming of becoming a singer. A successful bisinessman (Dennis) searches for the truth about the woman from his past. A senior housekeeper (Eugene) learns that it is never too late to find true love. A young waiter (Mark) finds the woman of his dreams, but she is beyond his reach. A young Brat (Rhian) discovers that love does not have to be as complicated as her love-hate relationship with her mother. And a sexo lounge singer (Rufa Mae) searches for the perfect man who will keep his promises and will never leave. This romance-comedy-drama-musical will make you swoon, cry, laugh and fall in love all over again. While takes you to three continents around the world – Asia, Europe and Africa. it is nevertheless an intimate film about searching for love, following your dreams and making your own destiny.

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