
Watch Milan Pinoy Movie Filipino Movies Film Online Full Video For Free. This story follows the journey of naive Lino (Pascual) as he searches for his missing wife in Italy. He comes across Jenny (Barretto), an imposing figure in the Filipino community of migrant workers, whose dreams of grandeur have clouded her need for personal relationships. In a desperate quest and game of survival, the two find refuge and affirmation in each other. What started as a mentor-protege relationship, Lino and Jenny’s partnership evolves beautifully into a self-consuming love affair. Until these two are put to a test. Reality bites as the land changes everything. In the end, it matters not for Lino that he find his wife for he has found himself. And atlas, it matters not for Jenny that she sacrifices for love, for she has learned to give, in order to live again. Directed by Olivia M. Lamasa

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