Kamoteng Kahoy

Watch Kamoteng Kahoy Pinoy Movie Filipino Movies Film Online Full Video For Free. This is based on a true story which happened in a small barrio in Bohol in 2005. 21 pupils died and almost a 100 were hospitalized after eating cassava cakes sold by an old woman, who might have accidentally used pesticide in her ingredients. She has been selling cassava cakes in that school, and has a loving relationship with the children. The film follows a town from painful trauma towards healing through the undercutting points of view of 2 of the child survivors, and the old woman vendor. The two children survivors, in their own beguiling yet perceptive ways, slowly learn the issue of crime, prejudice and compassion as they develop friendship and accept their loss. The old woman, who is ostracized and condemned by the entire town, even by her own family, finally makes sense of the whole tragic thing and takes matters in her own hand. Answers don’t come easy, but in the end redemption arrives for every soul in this town in the form of a final climatic event. Ana Capri, Gloria Romero, Nash Aguas, Robert Villar, Sharlene San Pedro, Yul Servo

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