Tulak Ng Bibig, Kabig Ng Dibdib

Watch Tulak Ng Bibig, Kabig Ng Dibdib Pinoy Movies Filipino Movie Film Online Full Video For Free. After spending a couple of years behind bars, Lando (Robin Padilla) wins back his freedom. But his prison record has incapacitated him from landing a job. Fortunately, a friend of his knows someone who needs a driver and a bodyguard desperately. But that someone turns out to be Mariel (Maricel Soriano), the very woman whom Lando has had an encounter with. Desperate for a job, Lando agrees to work for Mariel despite his negative impression of her. As expected, their working relationship is as stormy as it can get. But love works in mysterious ways — even the rowdiest of enemies can become more than friends.

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