A Very Special Love

Watch A Very Special Love Pinoy Movie Filipino Movies Film Online Full Video For Free. Laida Magtalas (Sarah Geronimo) is a modern-day stunner who works hard to provide for her family while believing that someday she will meet her prince charming and they will live happily ever after. That prince charming is none other than Miggy Montenegrro (John Lloyd Cruz), the youngest of the Montenegro clan — a rich family. Laida dreams of meeting Miggy every day and every night. These dreams led her to apply as an Editorial Assistant at Miggy’s failing men’s magazine. As Laida and Miggy’s fight to save the magazine become more intense, so is their fight to keep their intentions and emotions. Will Laida and Miggy ever figure out the right combination to solve their problems in business and in their personal lives? Or will their mismatching personalities, despite their common interest and goal keep them from ever figuring out their perfect pair?

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